edgar wright

Eloise from Last Night in Soho

Eloise is from the film Last Night in Soho, and is played by Thomasin McKenzie. Eloise is an aspiring fashion designer and begins university in London to study fashion where she learns she is able to enter the 1960s and transforms into an aspiring singer named Sandie at night. During the day she begins to transform elements of her look to resemble Sandie’s.

Elouise arrives to London wearing fun mixed prints and layering with a dress that she designed and made on her own. She wears a sheer cheetah print shirt underneath a navy overall-style dress with black lace tights and of course her headphones. Later she wears a white coat she buys to resemble Sandie’s, and styles her hair the same. As night and day starts to blend together, she wears leftover black smudged liner from a Halloween party with a black dress under the coat.

Sandie from Last Night in Soho

Sandie is a character from the film Last Night in Soho, played by Anya Taylor-Joy. The story follows the protagonist Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer that begins university in London to study it, and learns that she is able to enter the 1960s. At night she transforms into an aspiring singer named Sandie from the 60s. As Sandie searches for her big break, she gets into trouble and Eloise follows that journey with her.

Sandie is first seen in a float bright bring dress with the perfect shape for the period. We later see outfits like her white coat, black dress, and red dress that Eloise is inspired by and begins incorporating it into her own style and projects. Tease your hair to create a classic bump on the top to complete the look.

Sgt. Nicholas Angel

Nicholas Angel is the protagonist of the 2nd entry in the Cornetto Trilogy, Hot Fuzz. He is portrayed by Simon Pegg and is the top police officer in London. He’s so good, he makes everyone else look bad. As a result, he’s made Staff Sergeant and relocated to the country town of Sandford, where he discovers a sinister conspiracy.

Gary King

Gary King (Simon Pegg) is the protagonist of the 2014 action comedy sci-fi film The World’s End, the conclusion to the Cornetto Trilogy. He reunites his high school friends in order to partake in the “Golden Mile”, a challenge to travel to every pub in their hometown and drink at each stop leading up to The World’s End.

Baby Driver

Baby (Ansel Elgort) is the protagonist of Edgar Wright’s new film, Baby Driver. He is a young getaway driver who constantly listens to music to drain out his tinnitus caused by a car collision that killed his parents.

Envy Adams

Envy Adams

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Envy Adams (Brie Larson) is Scott Pilgrim’s ex-girlfriend, currently dating Ramona Flowers’s ex-boyfriend Todd Ingram. Talk about a mess. To match Envy’s custom knee-high boots, wrap the red ribbon around your legs to the perfect height.

Knives Chau

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Knives Chau (Ellen Wong) is a high school girl who dotes over Scott Pilgrim, at least until he breaks up with her for Ramona Flowers. She goes as far as to get highlights that match Ramona’s, although they get punched out of her hair by Todd Ingram.

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as a pair of directionless guys who find themselves in a zombie uprising. They’re surrounded by zombies, but don’t realize what’s happening until they turn on the TV. Without much preparation, they’ll have to improvise for their zombie defenses.

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