eye patch

TF2 Demoman

Demoman (voiced by Gary Schwartz) is a Scottish demolitions expert, and one of the most versatile characters in Team Fortress 2.  Typically armed with his grenade launcher and stickybomb launcher, Demoman can effectively stave off enemies, while he is also very proficient in melee combat.  The Demoman’s rockets look a lot like large the foam ammo often used in toy missile launchers, which can make them a fun addition to your costume.

Snake Plissken

In Escape from New York, Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is an ex-soldier given 24 hours to rescue the President from Manhattan, which has been converted to a maximum security prison. If he’s successful, he gets a presidential pardon. If not, the explosives that have been implanted in his body will be detonated.

Ken Cosgrove

Ken Cosgrove (Aaron Staton) is an account executive at SCDP in Mad Men. Though he may not be as emotionally handicapped like some of his co-workers, he’s now physically handicapped after a hunting accident. Despite the one bad eye, he continues to write science fiction novels under his pen name, Ben Hargrove.

The Governor

In The Walking Dead, the Governor offers survivors refuge from zombies in his idyllic town of Woodbury. But things are not all as they seem. Especially in the aquarium room.

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