phoenix wright: ace attorney

Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney

Athena Cykes works for famed Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright at the Wright Anything Agency. A childhood trauma led her to a career in law. With her sensitive hearing and training in Europe as an analytical psychologist, she’s especially skilled at picking up on witnesses’ vocal tells, which she uses to her advantage in the court room.

Dick Gumshoe

Detective Dick Gumshoe is the friendly homicide detective met in nearly every trial Phoenix works on in the first three installments of the Ace Attorney series. He’s doggedly loyal to his job and his friends. Even if he is a bit bumbling and inept, Gumshoe tried his hardest at just about anything he does.

Maya Fey

In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Maya Fey comes from a family of spirit mediums and has the ability to channel spirits into her body. When Maya is accused of murdering her sister, Mia Fey, Phoenix Wright helps to defend her case.

Apollo Justice

In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice is a lawyer who’s hired by the Wright Anything Agency to help Phoenix Wright solve a murder case. For this costume don’t forget to practice your chords of steel workout so that you can really get into character.

Miles Edgeworth

In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Miles Edgeworth is a prosecutor who had a perfect trial record until he loses a case to his childhood friend Phoenix Wright. Up until that point he did anything it took to win a case but his loss made him re-evaluate the way he conducted his job.

Phoenix Wright

In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright is a rookie defense attorney in the Fey and Co. law offices. He’s successful in using his detective skills to exonerate his clients even though it seems like the odds and evidence are stacked against him. The best part of this costume is being able to point your finger yelling “Objection!” to everything.

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