Posts by Tom

Travis Bickle

In Martin Scorsese’s movie Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) is a US Marine who gets a job as a New York City cab driver. He spirals into depression due to the street crime he witnesses every night and his lack of a love life. He’s starting to get fed up, and about to take things into his own hands.

Theodore Twombly

In Spike Jonze’s film Her, Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) is a lonely man who, after buying an operating system with artificial intelligence, starts falling in love with it. While the technology is futuristic, the large glasses and high-waisted pants are a throwback. Also worth a look is the Her collection from Opening Ceremony in collab with director Spike Jonze.

Brawny Man

Brawny Man is the manliest of the major paper towel brands. But he got a makeover a few years back and cleaned up his image. So if you wanna go full brawny like back in the 70s, you’ll want to grow out your hair, wear a mustache, and show a little chest.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is without a doubt the most recognizable golfer in the history of the sport. And even with injuries and controversies slowing him down, he remains the most popular. When that red shirt isn’t prowling the final round, you just know it’s gonna be a snorefest.

Edna Krabappel

Ms. Edna Krabappel is Bart Simpson’s 4th grade teacher, but she couldn’t care less. The only thing on her mind is finding that special someone ever since her husband ran off with another women. After countless years and bad dates, she finds that someone in Ned Flanders. Ha!

Lloyd Christmas

In Dumb and Dumber, Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) is a limo driver with a bowl haircut and chipped tooth who dreams of opening a store that sells worm farms. We’re pretty sure he’s the dumber.

Andy Reid

NFL coach Andy Reid was fired by the Philadelphia Eagles following a 4-12 season. He gave the Eagles the old middle finger by leading the Kansas City Chiefs to an 8-0 start and beating them the very next season.

Raleigh St. Clair

In The Royal Tenenbaums, Raleigh St. Clair is the meek and mild-mannered husband of Margot Tenenbaum. As a renown neurologist, he’s written the book on test subject and life companion Dudley Heinsbergen.

John Redcorn

In King of the Hill, John Redcorn III is Dale Gribble’s neighbor. A licensed new age healer, he frequently visits Dale’s wife Nancy and cures her of her “headaches”. On a related note, John Redcorn bears a striking resemblance to Dale and Nancy’s son Joseph.

Jake from State Farm

If you’re significant other is whispering sweet nothings on the phone at three in the morning, fear not. That’s just Jake from State Farm. Sure, he’s got khakis on and a husky voice, but he’s beautiful that way.

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