KnowsMore from Wreck-It Ralph 2 Costume
Have you ever wondered what happens when you send out a search request? Well in the world of Wreck-It Ralph, a little person in the computer searches up the answer and sends it back to you. And if you use the KnowsMore browser, that little person is KnowsMore himself. Voiced by Alan Tudyk, this studious fellow is as brave as he is smart. Though it takes him some time to figure that out!
KnowsMore is a great cosplay, so long as you don't mind a little purple body paint. And while you can also use a bald cap to cope his domed head, you can also opt for purple hair dye or a purple wig to put your own little spin on his look.
Once you've got your purple preference locked in, you'll need a white shirt, a vest, a bow tie, a dark blue suit, and loafers. His cap will take a little extra work, however. You'll have to switch out the blue tassel with a gold one and remove the 2021 pendant which is easily done with a pair of snips or pliers. Grab a pair of spectacles and you're now ready to answer the internet's questions. Just keep an eye out for viruses!
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