In The Matrix, Neo (Keanu Reeves) is a computer programmer by day and a hacker by night. After he encounters another hacker named Trinity, he soon goes down the rabbit hole, with Agent Smith in hot pursuit.
Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything…
In Say Anything…, Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) is an average student pursuing Diane Court, a valedictorian way out of his league. When asked by Diane’s father what he wants to do after graduation, he reveals that he wants to be a professional kickboxer.
Dr. Algernop Krieger
In Archer, Algernop Krieger (voiced by Lucky Yates) goes by the title of Doctor at ISIS, though technically not a medical doctor nor “the other kind”. He’s one of the Boys of Brazil and a genetic clone of Adolf Hitler, though he dons a beard instead of the infamous mustache.
Gnome Chompski
Gnome Chompski is a garden gnome who likes to make unlikely appearances in video games, including Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and the Final Hours of Portal 2. As far as we can tell, there’s no relation to the famous linguist.
Francis from Left 4 Dead
In Left 4 Dead, Francis is a cocky, tattoo-covered biker from the Hell’s Legion. His weapon of choice against the infected is a pump-action shotgun.
Philip J. Fry
In Futurama, Philip J. Fry (voiced by Billy West) is a slacker pizza delivery boy who becomes cryogenically frozen and reawakens in the 31st century… to work as an interstellar delivery boy. Aside from his work, he only has eyes for the ship captain Leela.