Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion is a character from the video game, Baldur's Gate 3. He's a High-Elf Rogue. For centuries, he roamed at night as a vampire in servitude of his sadistic master. As a result of the mind flayer tadpole, he can do lots a typical vampire can't do, such as walk in the sunlight and enter homes uninvited. Unless you're talented at sewing, there's no way to truly replicate his outfits. However, you can certainly assemble an look inspired by Astarion! His typical garments consist of doublets and vests in shades of blue, red, and black with gold patterning and touches of ruffles and lace. His casual look is easy to put together with the peasant blouse and brown pants. Click here for a lace front wig option.
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