
In Futurama, Turanga Leela is a purple-haired cyclops voiced by Katey Sagal. She works as the captain of Planet Express, which is fortunate because she’s the only competent member of the crew.

The Fonz

Aaaaeeeeyyyy! It’s The Fonz! Arthur Fonzarelli (Henry Winkler) was the ultimate cool guy on Happy Days. He could fix any electrical device with a pound of his fist and make any girl swoon with the snap of his fingers. To complete the look, find yourself a jukebox to stand next to and jump start it with your fist.


In Dragon Ball Z, Goku is a mighty warrior with superhuman strength. Normally carefree and cheerful, it’s not just his hair that changes when he goes Super Saiyan on you.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy, who was once known as botanist Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, uses her knowledge of plants to produce toxins and mind-controlling pheromones to help her get away with her crimes. Together with Harley Quinn, they become one of Batman’s most powerful foes.

Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal), better known as the Red Viper, travels to King’s Landing with his paramour Ellaria Sand to seek justice for his sister’s murder. He’s going to need both his quick wit and quick combat skills to bring down The Mountain.

Ellaria Sand

In Game of Thrones, Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma) is Oberyn Martell’s long-term lover. That makes her the luckiest person in Westeros, female or male.

Todd Chavez

In BoJack Horseman, Todd Chavez (voiced by Aaron Paul) is BoJack’s roommate. He slept on BoJack’s couch after a party one day and has lived there ever since. Todd’s been known to have run-ins with a Mexican drug cartel.

Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) doesn’t let the fact that she’s a woman stop her from vying for the throne in Game of Thrones. She manipulates the men around her and when they no longer serve useful or pose a threat, she has no problem disposing of them. She has a special love for her family, except for her younger brother Tyrion Lannister, who she is constantly plotting against.


In Trailer Park Boys, Julian (John Paul Tremblay) is a career criminal, but one who follows a code. He can also be counted on to have a rum and coke on hand at all times.


Rogue is a member of the X-Men. She possess one of the strongest powers, the ability to absorb the powers of other mutants. But she considers it a curse, forced to wear gloves and avoid physical contact with others like her lover Gambit.

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