Jentry Chau from Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld Costume

Jentry Chau from Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld

Jentry Chau (voiced by Ali Wong) is the main protagonist of the Netflix animated series Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld.  As a teenager, Jentry discovers she is the target of a demon king intent on stealing her supernatural powers.  She is headstrong and determined, though also easily flustered if she's caught being embarrassed.  Jentry has short blonde hair with bangs and wears a number of different outfits throughout the series.  You can choose a mint green crop top, black bike shorts, black socks, and taupe boots or opt for a black crop top, white shorts, green button down, thigh high socks, and black boots.  For either costume, be sure you wear a blonde wig and use scissors to distress your chosen socks.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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