Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House Costume

Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House

Lilith Clawthorne (voiced by Cissy Jones) is an antagonist in season one and a supporting character in season two of The Owl House.  She and her sister Eda are both witches.  Lilith cursed her younger sister in order to become part of the Emperor's Coven.  Lilith has worn several different outfits during the show.  She has long, dark blue hair and pale skin.  In the first season, she wears a dark grey and black ensemble, but by the end of season two, she is wearing a green top with a burgundy skirt and brown vest.

Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House Costume 1234567891011

About the Author


Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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  1. Hey can you do more the owl house costume?

  2. Can you make camila, terra , raine, kikimora, Boscha,skate,matthoulmo please?

  3. I mean skara

  4. And king.

  5. And the coven heads characters, emria edric and Odaila

  6. And Odaila, vee, jerbo, viney, eberwolf, mason,

  7. And Bo cat Amelia alador vitiar osana hettie Adrian Eda mom Gilbert park and coven scout in march with the owl house costume please?

  8. i love lily but i cant dress up as anybody from owl house because i dont have al of the stuff

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