Marianne from Normal People DIY Costume Guide
Marianne is a character from the series Normal People and is played by Daisy Edgar-Jones. The show is based off of the original book by Sally Rooney and is about Marianne and Connell who both live in a small Ireland town. They come from different backgrounds and are in and out of each others lives as they grow up and mature throughout the series.
Marianne has a style that changes a lot throughout the series as she gets older and finds herself. We start by seeing her in high school with a uniform, but as she goes to college and beyond that, we see her explore different styles as she is trying to find her own identity. As she gets older her costumes seem to fit her and her personality better, while other times we can see that she is trying new things that don’t really seem like herself. In college she dresses in vintage, colorful pieces that fits in with the cool crowd around her. When she visits Italy, she wears pieces that seem to fit her best and are much more simple like her black maxi dress.
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