Andy from Toy Story 4

Andy from Toy Story 4

In the flashbacks at the beginning of Toy Story 4, Andy appears as a kid again, but a few years older. He is seen wearing he’s red cowboy hat, a blue t-shirt with white sleeves and a darker blue border, blue jeans, and black Converse sneakers. Pixar has made some big leaps since the design of Andy in Toy Story 1.

Henry Spencer from Eraserhead

Henry Spencer from Eraserhead

In David Lynch’s debut Eraserhead, Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) is a working man who is left alone to care for his grossly deformed newborn baby in a desolate industrial wasteland. To faithfully repliacate Spencer’s hair, you’ll want to remove Elvis’s muttonchops from the wig.

Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx is a member and the third brother of the vaudeville act the Marx Brothers. His distinctive appearance is famed for the round spectacles, thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows, and ever-present cigar. Groucho is a master of the witty one-liner.

Dooble from Two More Eggs


In the Disney XD web series Two More Eggs, Dooble is a potbellied man who embarks on many adventures, whether he knows it or not, like being the hero of his very own 8-bit video game or being hired as a driver to deliver a mysterious package. His life is a joy box!

v dmc 5

V from Devil May Cry 5

V is one of three protagonists along with Dante and Nero in the Capcom video game Devil May Cry 5. He is the only playable character who is entierly new, and thus he is shrouded in mystery. Unlike the other characters, V does not engage in actual combat but instead channels the demons Shadows, Griffon, and Nightmare to fight for him, all the while reading from his book of poetry (which makes a great accessory along with his cane!)

vergil dmc 5

Vergil from Devil May Cry 5

Vergil is the brother and rival of Dante from theDevil May Cry series by Capcom. He makes his big return in Devil May Cry 5 sporting a new look that’s primarily black as opposed to his previous blue incarnations. Nevertheless, he is just as ruthless as ever in his obsessive quest to obtain more power and defeat his brother to be crowned the true Son of Sparda.

Nico Goldstein from DMC5

Nico Goldstein

Nico Goldstein is the shopkeep from the Capcom video game Devil May Cry 5. She is the daughter of Agnus, a major villain from Devil May Cry 4, and granddaughter of Nell Goldstein, the gunsmith that created Dante’s guns Ebony and Ivory. She assists Nero by building and selling his Devil Breakers, robotic arms with multiple abilities that aid him on his quest to defeat Urizen.

nero from dmc 5

Nero from Devil May Cry 5

Nero is one of three protagonists along with Dante and V in the 2019 Capcom video game Devil May Cry 5. The son of Vergil, Nero boasts a serious temper that’s only amplified when his Devil Brigner arm is cut off. Armed with the new robotic Devil Breaker arm forged by Nico Goldstein, Nero sets out to prove to Dante that he is not just dead weight.

mr plinkett

Mr. Plinkett

Harry S. Plinkett is a senile old man portrayed by Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa for Redlettermedia, a YouTube film review channel. The character appears in two different continuities. Evans portrays him in Half in the Bag while Stoklasa portrays him (voice only) in Plinkett Reviews. The character achieved massive fame online for his series of reviews for the Star Wars prequels. Evans’ Plinkett is more of a confused and slightly off old man getting his VCR fixed by the Lightning Fast VCR Repair Men while Stoklasa’s is a full on serial killer pervert. Since Stoklasa’s Plinkett never appears on-screen, this guide will be based off of Evans’ version.

daru from steins gate 0

Daru From Steins;Gate 0

Itaru Hashida, also known as Daru, is an experienced hacker in both software and hardware technologies from the Steins;Gate visual novel and anime series. He is also well-versed in things pertaining to otaku culture. He is a good friend of Rintaro Okabe and helps him with his Future Gadget Lab projects. His design is touched up in Steins;Gate 0, now sporting a more professional attire. Steins;Gate 0 is a sequel series set in an alternate future to the original’s ending where Kurisu remains dead and the threat of World War 3 looms closer and closer.