
Penny is Inspector Gadget’s niece. Through the use of technology and old-fashioned detective work, and with the help of her faithful companion Brain, she bails her bumbling uncle out of his latest jams.

Ninja from Die Antwoord

Ninja is one half of the South African rap-rave group Die Antwoord. Together with Yolandi Visser, they mix modern with outdated in both their music and their fashion, to create their own… unique style.

Yolandi Visser from Die Antwoord

Yolandi Visser, aka Yo-Landi Vi$$er, fronts the South African rap group Die Antwoord with Ninja. Don’t be fooled by the pink and ponytail – her style is equal parts cute and nightmare fuel.


If you find yourself dodging thieves and boobies traps then Data’s outfit is perfect for you. From the Pinchers of Peril to the Bully Buster, Data’s attire was able to get him and his fellow Goonies out of trouble. However, if you’re not gadget savvy you may want to go with a more simplistic outfit and steer clear of places with booby traps.


If the idea of mixing patterns makes you cringe then you probably don’t want to take fashion tips from Chunk. His choice of clothing was as outrageous as the stories he told. Then again, maybe the truffle shuffle wouldn’t have been as funny if he wasn’t wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Who are we kidding? The truffle shuffle is always funny no matter what the person is wearing.


Go through a major transformation just like James Franco in the movie Spring Breakers. His role of Florida rapper, Alien, gets involved with the four bikini clad leading ladies while dealing with his usual business of drug trade and crime.

Spring Breakers

If you want to get your hands dirty Spring Breakers style, opt for a pink unicorn ski mask and a skimpy bikini. These girls may appear harmless on the outside, but they are willing to do what it takes to get what they want.

Dr. Nefario

Dr. Nefario is Gru’s gadget man. He’s the evil mastermind behind inventions such as the Freeze Ray and Big Blaster Cannon but only a true genius could come up with the Fart Gun and Boogie Bots.

Edith in Despicable Me

Edith is at first skeptical of Gru’s intentions but warms up to him after he makes her pancakes in the shape of dead bodies. Though Edith is a tomboy, she’s never seen without her pink hat on.

Mad Men Costume Quiz

Mad Men brought the sixties back, but can you figure out these characters by their costumes? Hover to see the […]