Sherlock Holmes (Elementary) DIY Costume Guide

Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)

The American response to Sherlock, Elementary’s Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) is more into T-shirts and tattoos than Savile Row suits. But despite his troubled history with drug abuse and a move to New York, this Holmes still retains all of the wit and brilliance of his counterpart from across the pond.

Sherlock Holmes (Elementary) Costume 1234567

About the Author


Amanda is an old-school nerd with newish tastes. Sometimes, she's under the impression that she can write.

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  1. Hello Amanda,

    Brilliant article. I appreciate the efforts you have gone to in locating the pieces of Sherlock’s attire. I was hoping you might be able to assist me further by identifying any other garments he has worn during the series.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi there,

    I was just wondering if you happen to know Sherlocks brown shoes? whats it like? boots or the one you post is just that it?

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