Princess Anna of Arendelle
In Disney’s Frozen, the daring and optimistic Anna sets off on an adventure in the hopes of saving Arendelle from an eternal winter. With a sense of determination and a desire to reconnect with her sister Elsa, Princess Anna will meet her fate one way or another. Complete the look with this Princess Anna makeup tutorial.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess, who possess superhuman powers and superior combat skills. With her Lasso of Truth and indestructible bracelets she fights those who seek to destroy the Amazon.
In Sucker Punch, Babydoll (Emily Browning) is sent to the Lennox House for the Mentally Insane when her abusive stepfather blames her for her sister’s death. Scheduled to be lobotomized, she enters a fantasy world where she encounters the rest of the Sucker Punch crew.
Zero Suit Samus
In Metroid, Samus Aran is an intergalactic bounty hunter out to get the Space Pirates and their leader Ripley. You were probably shocked the first time Samus removed her helmet to reveal that she’s a woman, but there’s no mistaking it when she’s wearing her Zero Suit.
In Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) is an orphan from an alien world who’s trained by Thanos to be a fierce warrior and his personal assassin. When Peter Quill steals an orb, it’s Gamora who’s sent to reclaim it. Finish the look with Big Apple Beauty’s Gamora makeup tutorial.
Sherri and Terri
Sherri and Terri are twin sisters in Mrs. Krabappel’s class that nobody, not even their parents, can tell apart. They like to give others, especially Bart Simpson, a hard time. Like many twins, they speak a secret language and wish they could combine into a single body.