Soul of Cinder from Dark Souls DIY Costume Guide

Soul of Cinder from Dark Souls

In Dark Souls, the Soul of Cinder is a being made up of all previous lords of Cinder. This not only makes it incredibly hard to beat but also terrifying to behold. Getting the exact look takes some painting skill and possibly wearable pyrotechnics (which we really don't recommend).  But we've found pieces that will get you close!

To start you'll want a black compression shirt and compression pants. They're tight fitting and breathable so your clothes won't get twisted up under your armor and you won't overheat too quickly. On top of that you'll want a set of knight's armor, though we recommend plastic over metal for ease of movement. You'll also need a set of swords to deal with the challengers you're sure to encounter. If you've got a bit of extra money to spend you can get a Cinder replica helmet. They aren't easily affordable, however, and with some paint a standard knight helmet should do the trick. And finally a can of chalky gray spray paint topped with an oxidizing effects paint kit should help give your armor the eternally burned look Soul of Cinder is known for.

Soul of Cinder from Dark Souls Costume 1234567

About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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