lena headey
Sarah Connor
In the Terminator series, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) is a young woman who finds herself pursued by a relentless Terminator android sent from the future. Over the course of the movies, she develops from a damsel in distress to a hardened bad-ass who’s prepared to take on all comers.
Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) doesn’t let the fact that she’s a woman stop her from vying for the throne in Game of Thrones. She manipulates the men around her and when they no longer serve useful or pose a threat, she has no problem disposing of them. She has a special love for her family, except for her younger brother Tyrion Lannister, who she is constantly plotting against.
Queen Gorgo
In 300, Lena Headey makes an appearance as Queen Gorgo of the Spartans. I guess that was good practice for becoming queen of Westeros in Game of Thrones.