Arthur from Mystery Skulls
Arthur (voiced by Austin Lee Matthews) is a member of the Mystery Skulls team along with Vivi Yukino and their mascot, a kitsune disguised as a dog named Mystery. Lewis Pepper, a former member of the team, now resides in the Mansion as a ghost, following his death at the hands of Arthur while possessed. Arthur’s outfit consists of a white shirt with rolled sleeves, an orange vest with three pins, and yellow pants. His left possessed arm was removed and replaced with a robotic one. To recreate Arthur’s hair, you can trim up a yellow anime wig, and you can either grow a goatee or draw one on with a brown eyebrow pencil to complete the transformation.
Vivi from Mystery Skulls
Vivi is the leader of the Mystery Skulls, a group of paranormal investigators. She is brave and loyal, willing to put herself in harm’s way to protect her friends Arthur and Lewis from danger.