Cordelia Foxx

Cordelia Foxx

As the Headmistress of the witch coven housed in Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, Cordelia Foxx (Sarah Paulson) guides her students with a gentle, caring hand in the TV series American Horror Story: Coven. She is the daughter of the former and extremely powerful Supreme, although she and her mother have a strained - and sometimes murderous - relationship. Cordelia, a master of herbs and potions, understands the dark powers gathering against her coven and will sacrifice everything to protect it. This guide is for her outfit after she looses her eyesight, when her clothes change from a mix of white and black to predominantly black.

Cordelia Foxx Costume 1234567

About the Author


A bit eccentric, a lot nerdy. Grew up on Star Trek, Stargate and the X-Files, and still love them all. A regular cosplayer and writer with a day-job drawing fashion illustrations.

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