The Ambiguously Gay Duo

Ace and Gary are the Ambiguously Gay Duo! Every night, they get stuck in tight situations together while crossing swords with supervillain Bighead. What’s everybody looking at?

Stuart Larkin

Stuart Douglas Larkin is a creepy, overgrown little boy played by MAD TV’s Michael McDonald. He has frequent temper tantrums, which can cross over into his “dark place” on occasion.

John Watson

Sherlock Holmes’s flatmate and blogger seems harmless enough when you first meet him, but don’t let the frumpy exterior and questionable taste in sweaters fool you. Underneath the plaid and knits is a sharp-eyed ex-soldier and adrenaline junkie who loves the chase almost as much as his partner-in-crime-solving does.

Mycroft Holmes

Mycroft, Sherlock’s older and possibly smarter brother, prefers observation to action. He humbly insists he occupies but a minor role in Her Majesty’s government (if by ‘minor,’ you mean ‘occasionally IS Her Majesty’s government’), however, he gets tetchy when asked how his diet’s going (it’s going fine, thank you).

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes surprised us all earlier this year when she revealed her major makeover, which includes double cheek piercings, bleach blonde hair extensions, and heavy eyebrows and lips. This new look, in addition to her controversial Twitter activity, has put her in the media spotlight. When impersonating Miss Bynes, remember to be very vocal about your passion for Drake.


Nadya Suleman, better known as Octomom, made headlines when she gave birth to octuplets in January 2009. What may not be known is that she already had six older children at the time. You got to hand it to her though, between juggling her time as a mother and as an adult entertainer, she somehow still manages to squeeze in her collagen injections.


Nicole Elizabeth Polizzi, better known as Snooki, made her mark on reality TV with the MTV show Jersey Shore. From getting smashed (and smashed in the face), she has since expanded her talents to designing cosmetics, writing a book, and motivational speaking.

Nacho Libre

Ignacio (Jack Black) holds a secret desire to become a luchador, which is forbidden at the monastery where he works as a cook. His desires get the best of him and he assumes the identity of Nacho Libre in an effort to win money for the orphanage as well as to win the favor of Sister Encarnación.


Ramses is the golden threat that Nacho Libre must defeat if he wants to win the title of Battle-Jam. Ramses is not at all intimidated by this newcomer and instead prepares for the fight by getting massages and by lubing up in body oil.

George Bluth Sr.

George Bluth Sr. is the founder of the Bluth Company and the patriarch of the Bluth family. He spends much of his time on the series, Arrested Development, either incarcerated or on the run. While doing time, he’s befriended fellow inmates, led baseball games, and has had spiritual epiphanies. You could say that he was doing “the time of his life.”

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