Empress of Light from Terraria Costume

Empress of Light from Terraria

The Empress of Light is a Hardmode boss from the Terraria video game.  She is encountered in the Hallow.  The Empress of Light has a beautiful, prismatic appearance, despite her vicious attack style.  To recreate her look, use golden yellow body paint on your face and neck to match the color of your bodysuit.  Then, you'll pair it with a blue monokini or cut-out leotard, gloves, boots, and ruffles worn around your upper arms, as well as a pink wig and matching pink open-front skirt.  Finally, you'll need a pair of elf ears (which you can make appear more yellow with the same body paint used on your face), a blue unicorn horn, and gold crown.  Finally, don't forget your impressive multicolored wings.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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