Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad Costume
In Breaking Bad, Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) is a dedicate and loyal man. He does what he thinks is right for his friends, his family, his community, and his country. Whether it's his role in the DEA, his commitment to the people that work under him or his connection to Walt, he always tries to do the right thing. It doesn't prevent him from meeting a tragic end, unfortunately. But it does make him the kind of man that cosplayers are eager to recreate.
His costume, luckily is fairly straightforward. Sensible black work shoes, grey slacks held up with a black leather belt that holds a belt holster and a pistol. Orange button up, brown sports coat, and a detective's badge around his neck. A bald cap finishes off the signature Hank Schrader look.
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