Nyan Cat DIY Costume Guide
2021 marks the tenth birthday of the one of the internet's most beloved memes: Nyan Cat. Also called "the Pop-Tart Cat" or the "flying rainbow cat", Christopher Torres created Nyan Cat as part of a donation drive for the Red Cross on his website LOL-Comics. It's since faced some controversy as people tried to use Nyan Cat without permission. But its viral status is as enduring as the comic is cute!
Pop-Tart costumes are unfortunately hard to come by unless you can find an adult one on Etsy. Your best bet is a quick bit of DIY following this simple tutorial.
1. Measure the length of your Pop Tart, starting at the top of your shoulder and going down whatever length you want the costume to be. Add on an inch and a half for gluing and cutting mistakes, then purchase enough tan felt to cover the length twice (so you can make a front and back). Use this same measurement to buy the light pink felt, but only buy enough for one side. Add in a glue gun and hot pink felt dots to finish up the DIY shopping.
2. Cut the tan fabric in half width wise so you have the front and back of your costume.
3. Mark out how large a space you need for your head to fit through the top of the costume. Put a pin on either side of this head hole, then glue the top edges together, except the space where your head will go. Repeat this process on the sides while leaving holes for your arms.
4. Put a piece of cardboard between the front and back of your costume, then lay the pink fabric on the front. Trim it down so that a "crust" is visible around all edges of the pink felt. Glue the pink fabric down to the tan, making sure cardboard separates the front and back of the costume in any place you add glue.
5. Glue on the hot pink circles as sprinkles and glue your tail to your costume (on the side or at the back depending on how you want to interpret the meme). That's it!
With your Pop Tart done, use a face painting kit to add in your cat features. Put on your ears and the grey underclothes, then slide into your pop tart. Grab a rainbow scarf to trail behind you and you are set! May you bring as much joy to your convention as Nyan Cat does to the internet!
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