Pam Beesly Halpert

Pam Beesly is Dunder Mifflin’s receptionist-turned-office-manager-but-really-an-artist. Little did she know that she’d fall in love, find a best friend, and gain an extended family at her “boring” office job.

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor and filmmaker who is best known for his silent films. His most famous role, The Tramp, wears the outfit that we associate Chaplin with the most, which includes a tight jacket, oversized pants and shoes and a walking cane.


Despite countless failed attempts at dating Butt-head still believes he’s a stud when it comes to women. Like his best friend, Beavis, he keeps his look simple with a band shirt and shorts. This leaves him more time to think about girls and complain about things that suck.

Peter Griffin

As if Peter Griffin needed an introduction. Peter like beer. Peter like farting. Peter like TV. Peter hate Ernie the Giant Chicken. That about covers it.

Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is a small-time boxer who makes ends meet as the muscle for a loan shark. When undefeated heavyweight Apollo Creed rolls through town, Rocky gets a shot at the title against all odds. Commence the cow beatings!

Albus Dumbledore

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is the most powerful wizard in the world, and has some eccentric traits, like his love of knitting patterns. By serving as a mentor to Harry Potter, Dumbledore helps in the battle against Lord Voldemort.

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest, better known as Joan Crawford, was a living nightmare for her children. Compulsively clean, the actress had a bizarre morning beauty regime the involved scrubbing her face with boiling hot water. While you may not want to dunk your face in rubbing alcohol, you can still achieve the Mommie Dearest look with a peel-off cucumber mask. Of course, we know the real reason you want to copy this style is because you want another excuse to scream “NO WIRE HANGERS.”

Arthur “Artie” Nielsen

Loveable but sometimes gruff Artie Nielsen serves as the head of Warehouse 13. Not only does Artie hold a world of knowledge, but he also holds a world of secrets.

Maggie Simpson

Maggie Simpson is the baby of the family. She hasn’t learned to talk yet, which might be due to all the times she’s tripped on her onesie and fallen on her face. It might also explain her violent streak, which includes threatening her rival Gerald and shooting Mr. Burns.

Princess Leia

In the Star Wars original trilogy, Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) is the princess of Alderaan who’s captured by Darth Vader, and later by Jabba the Hut. But Leia’s not your typical damsel-in-distress, and shows she’s not afraid to wield a blaster or even the chains that bind her. Complete her looks by following this Princess Leia makeup tutorial.