Shiloh from Repo! The Genetic Opera Costume
Shiloh Wallace (played by Alexa Vega) is the 17, almost 18-year-old daughter of Nathan Wallace in Repo! The Genetic Opera. Her father tells her she has a rare blood condition and, for this reason, she has been shut away most of her life. But after 18 years of confinement, she is hitting her rebellious streak and wants to be set free. She's sly enough to sneak out of the house but naive about the world as she discovers what lays beyond the gates of her home. Like most of the world, she dresses in a Goth fashion. Her cameo necklace is unique, however, in that it represents her mother who died when Shiloh was born. She wears the cameo in some form throughout all her outfits, usually as a choker.
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