Sophie Foster from Keeper of the Lost Cities Costume

Sophie Foster from Keeper of the Lost Cities

Sophie Foster is the main character of Shannon Messenger's fantasy book series Keeper of the Lost Cities.  Sophie was raised by human parents, but her birth was the result of Project Moonlark, whereby her DNA was altered to imbue her with a wide range of powerful abilities including telepathy, polyglotism, and teleportation.  Sophie is described as being very beautiful, with brown eyes that have gold flecks in them, and long blonde hair.  Her outfits often consist of a tailcoat or top layered over leggings and boots, so you may be able to mix and match some of your own wardrobe staples with new pieces to recreate her look.

Sophie Foster from Keeper of the Lost Cities Costume 1234567891011

About the Author


Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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  1. Please find some less pricey stuff.
    Other wise it would have been a spitting image of Sophie so good job with that.

  2. less stuff that cost a lot of money but other wise just like sophie

  3. Great costume but I’ve never seen a “ruffled tailcoat” before.

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