How to Update Links

First ­Timers

Get familiar with the content, style, and tone of Carbon Costume.

Admin Site
Log into the admin site.

Author Profile
Click on Users > Your Profile to enter your email address, homepage, Twitter, Facebook, and bio. Also choose the nickname you want displayed on the site.

Your avatar should be set by registering with the same email address at Gravatar.

Updating Guide

Checking Links

The “CC Update” Google doc contains all of the links that need updating. Under “assignee”, add your initials for the rows that you’re going to work to claim them. Then add today’s date under “Updated” when you’ve finished updating a link. Editors will initial the “Checked” column to confirm that the update has been reviewed. Posts should be updated in order from top down.

Once you’ve picked a link, open it and check each link in the Items section. If it’s still in stock, great.

If the link is broken or the item is out of stock, it’s time to find a replacement. Visit and find a similar item in the same price range. Try using the product name to give yourself a head start. It can take some digging around to find a good match, but Amazon has almost everything.

When you’ve found the replacement item, look in the URL and make note of the ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number). This is a ten-character item id that looks something like B01I7XI8R8.

Updating Posts

Next you’ll want to update it in the post. Log into WordPress and find the post. Click Posts > All Posts, then enter the post name in the search box.

Below the post name, click Edit to open the post. Scroll down the post until you see the “Custom Field Template” with a bunch of fields for item URLs/ASINs, names, and prices. Find the item you want to update and input the new ASIN, along with any changes that might need to be made to the name and price.

Click the blue “Update” button to save your changes. Don’t forget to add the updated date to the item in the Google doc!