adventure time
The Winter King from Adventure Time
The Winter King (voiced by Brian David Gilbert) is the ruler of the Winter Kingdom in Adventure Time. The Winter King presents himself as kind and genuine, however, this turns out to be just a way for him to hide his true personality from others. He transfers the negative effects of the crown to Princess Bubblegum. The Winter King has light blue skin and white hair. He wears a gold crown, oval glasses, and carries a sword. His clothes include a white button down, skinny black tie, and a blue suit with a checkered waistcoat. He always wears tall blue boots.
Flame Princess from Adventure Time
The Flame Princess (voiced by Jessica DiCicco) is a character in the cartoon series Adventure Time. Real name Phoebe, the Flame Princess is short-tempered, with a tendency for mood swings. She has two primary looks throughout the series. The first consists of a two-layered dress, which you can recreate by wearing a duster over a maxi dress, secured with a lightweight pin that has a gemstone motif. Her second look is more battle-ready, with trousers and boots, and armor with red highlights. No matter which version you choose, you’ll need a wig and face gems to adhere to your forehead. If you want to take it one step further, you can use golden yellow body paint.
Cake The Cat from Adventure Time
Cake the Cat is a character in a fanfiction series within the world of Adventure Time written by The Ice King. Cake is voiced by Roz Ryan and is more or less the femme version of Jake The Dog. This cake costume is pretty simple, but to make it a little bit closer to the actual patterning on her fur I suggest getting fabric paint and painting the large front pocket on the overall skirt yellow with one of the larger flat nylon brushed in the set. If you are worried about making a mess I suggest outlining the pocket with tape first. I also Included face paint. I suggest doing a circle around one eye and then use black for the nose and any other detailing. Don’t forget setting powder!
Prince Gumball
In Adventure Time, Prince Gumball is a gender-swapped version of Princess Bubblegum, who similarly dons hot pink clothes and hair. It turns out that he is only the invention of fan fiction by the Ice King.
Ice King
The Ice King “woos” princesses throughout the Land of Ooo by capturing them – his favorite target being Princess Bubblegum. The Ice King was once a human but after acquiring his crown, which also gave him his icy powers, he slowly started to go crazy.
Fionna the Human
Princess Bubblegum
In Adventure Time, Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum rules the Candy Kingdom, a land inhabited by dessert humanoids. Although she’s usually nice and well-mannered, her temper can flare up on occasion. She’s a love interest of Finn the Human and frenemies with Marceline.
Marshall Lee
In Adventure Time, Marshall Lee the Vampire King is the gender-swapped version of Marceline. Like most vampires, he can turn into a bat and is hurt by the sun. Besides drinking blood, he likes to suck the pink filling from cream puffs.
Finn the Human
Finn is a 14-year-old human boy who loves nothing more than saving the day, accompanied by the shape-shifting Jake the Dog. He wears a hat that covers his extremely long flowing golden hair. He is prone to exclamations and outbursts including “Mathematical!” and “Algebraic!”.