Gumshoe Contestants
Based on the computer game of the same name, Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego?, is a children’s game show that aired in the early 90s. The contestants, referred to as “gumshoes” by the Chief, must help ACME find Carmen by answering questions about geography.
Ji-Young from Sesame Street
The newest resident of Sesame Street is the 7-year old girl named Ji-Young. As a Korean-American, Ji-Young makes history as the first muppet of Asian descent on the long-running PBS children’s show. She makes her debut November 25 on “See Us Coming Together: A Sesame Street Special”.
Four-year-old Caillou (voiced by Annie Bovaird) is the bald-headed protagonist of the Canadian PBS Kids’ show Caillou. Caillou is often considered the bane of parents of young children because his antics on the show are considered spoiled and bratty by many adults. Caillou’s outfit consists of bright primary colors. If you choose to include a hat like Caillou’s, you can purchase a novelty baseball cap with multicolored panels like the one shown here and remove the propeller, as finding a standard cap with multicolor panels can be difficult.
Ruff Ruffman from FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman
Ruff Ruffman (voiced by Jim Conroy) is the titular talk show host of the PBS Kids’ show FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman, a reality-based game show where children competed for prizes. Ruff is a chubby dog with an outgoing personality. To dress like him, you’ll want an oversized costume, a pair of round glasses, and some face paint crayons to complete the dog-like transformation.
Granny Garbanzo from The Big Comfy Couch
Granny Garbanzo (Grindl Kuchirka) is a recurring character on The Big Comfy Couch, a Canadian children’s show from the 90s. She is an elderly clown who lives in a wagon next to a clothes line with her cat, Snicklefritz. She has a heavy European accent, and refers to Loonette with a diminutive “-ka” suffix. Granny often makes references to the old days and the old country. While she provides wisdom to Loonette, she possesses quite a bit of youthful energy. In the later seasons, she has her own cooking show.
Major Bedhead from The Big Comfy Couch
Major Bedhead (Fred Stinson) is a recurring character on The Big Comfy Couch, a Canadian children’s show from the 90s. He is a clown who delivers the mail on his unicycle. He stops by to give Loonette postcards from her Auntie Macassar or Uncle Chester. However, he comes off as quite irresponsible for spending so much time chatting with Loonette and Granny Garbanzo and not delivering packages. Goofy yet clumsy, Major Bedhead possesses many clowning skills such as juggling and pogo sticking. His pet peeves are lying and dishonesty.
Abby Cadabby
Abby Cadabby is a character on the children’s TV series, Seasame Street. She is a fairy in training who, like all the other characters, lives on Sesame Street. She first appeared in the episode “Abby Cadabby Moves to Sesame Street,” which introduced the show’s 37th season. Her name is a play on the word “Abracadabra” due to her magical abilities. These include teleporting, floating, — and turning things into pumpkins with her wand! Similar to Elmo and Baby Bear, Abby Cadabby is a child who likes to learn the alphabet and how to count. When she learns something new, she exclaims: “That’s so magical!”
Loonette the Clown from The Big Comfy Couch
Loonette (Alyson Court) is the lead character in The Big Comfy Couch, a Canadian children’s show from the 90s. Loonette is a young clown who lives with her dolly named Molly. Every episode begins with Loonette waking up on the eponymous couch. She reads stories to Molly, performs a Clock Rug Stretch, and completes a Ten Second Tidy. Her family and friends, such as Granny Garbanzo and Major Bedhead, are also clowns. Put your hair into pigtails using the red scrunchies, and cut a hole on either side of the purple hat, then slide your hair through. You can also use a wig with detachable pigtail clips as suggested in this guide. While there isn’t an existing replica of her sweater, you can get away with a plain white long sleeve top. For added detail, you can draw the suns and moons with yellow and red marker.
Ernie from Sesame Street
Ernie is Bert’s best friend and roommate at 123 Sesame Street. Compared to the world-weary Bert, Ernie is naïve, laughs easily, and often finds himself getting into trouble. Ernie is fond of bubble baths with his Rubber Duckie, as well as learning to play the saxophone.
Bert from Sesame Street
Bert is Ernie’s best friend and roommate on Sesame Street. The pair share the basement apartment at 123 Sesame Street. In contrast to the practical-joking, extroverted Ernie, Bert is serious, studious, and tries to make sense of his friend’s actions. His own passions include reading Boring Stories, collecting paper clips and bottle caps (especially the rare Figgy Fizz), consuming oatmeal, and studying pigeons. While Ernie’s best companion outside of Bert is Rubber Duckie, Bert has his pet pigeon, Bernice. True to his detail-oriented, organized mind, Bert is president of the National Association of W Lovers. Unfortunately for Bert, his nose has come off of his face on a number of occasions.