The Spirit from Dead by Daylight Costume

The Spirit from Dead by Daylight

Rin Yamaoka was the descendant of a samurai clan and a Kendo champion.  Rin's ancestor Kazan is also a killer in the Dead by Daylight game.  After being murdered by her father, she swore vengeance against him. The Entity used her fury and hatred of her father to turn her into a killer for its never-ending games of cat-and-mouse. As the Spirit, she appears blueish in color, with white bandages and shards of glass embedded in her body. You can use a traditional sarashi or white gauze bandages to recreate her costume, and follow an FX makeup tutorial such as this one to add the glass details. Her shattered katana blade may be made by either breaking a prop katana, or carefully painting one to make it appear broken.

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