Maja from Midsommar

In Midsommar, Maja (played by Isabelle Grill) is a young woman who uses strange rituals and psychedelic drugs to seduce Dani’s boyfriend Christian in order to have sex with him and become pregnant. A very quiet girl, she is transformed after her encounter with Christian, wearing red lipstick and more brightly colored clothing to signify her fertility.

Dani Ardor from Midsommar

In Midsommar, Dani (played by Florence Pugh) is sent reeling from a devastating loss. As she attempts to deal with her depression following the death of her family, she embarks on a trip to attend a midsummer celebration in Sweden with her boyfriend and his friends. As the commune becomes increasingly less welcoming and more terrifying, Dani finds herself pulled into a brutal ritual with no way to escape. Dani’s clothing changes significantly throughout the film, beginning with comfortable hiking clothes before she dons the embroidered dresses typical of women in the commune. Once she is chosen as May Queen, she is completely adorned with flowers from head to toe. The variety of costuming provides ample room for interpretation.

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