Wally Brando from Twin Peaks DIY Costume Guide

Wally Brando from Twin Peaks

In Twin Peaks, Wally Brando (Michael Cera) is the son of Andy and Lucy Brennan. After years of life on the road, he returns to his hometown of Twin Peaks to deliver a moving monologue: "My family, my friend, I've criss-crossed this great land of ours countless times. I hold the map of it here, in my heart, next to the joyful memories of the carefree days I spent, as a young boy, here in your beautiful town of Twin Peaks."

Wally not only shares a name with his namesake, but has the same birthday and Marlon Brando's biker look from "The Wild One". To complete the look, get Wally stitched in cursive on the chest of the leather jacket, or apply puffy white fabric paint as a shortcut.

Wally Brando from Twin Peaks Costume 123456

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