Deathstroke DIY Costume Guide


In the DC Comics, Deathstroke (real name Slade Wilson) is a mercenary and assassin. Originally an enemy of the Teen Titans, he's worked his way up the supervillain chain to face off against the likes of Green Arrow and Batman.

Deathstroke Costume 12345678101112

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  1. I’d stick with the original mask. The latex ones are quite floppy. But if budget is an issue you could try and firm it up with something.

  2. Leonard Bianchi September 25, 2016 Reply

    I would really love to see someone in this set up. anyone have pictures?

  3. Catalyst Boy November 12, 2016 Reply

    We bought all that and ran with a muse in our creation. Turns out it has some weight giving the wearer an authentic reality while donning it.

  4. Austin long March 19, 2017 Reply

    Anyone recently done this? I’m working on it right now actually

  5. Anyone have done this? I really want to see how it turns out!
    If you’re doing it send me a pic or a video to email ([email protected])
    or just replay here with a link

  6. Austin long June 4, 2017 Reply that’s me doing it. Completely from the book just about. A different baklava though.

    • That’s looks really cool!
      Could you upload some photos of all of you ?

  7. Where the baklava go.

  8. Here’s a link to my cosplay page, my album of deathstroke is on there. Funny I have been doing him for 4-5 years and used most of this gear now.

  9. Thanks here is the basic rundown of how I built it

  10. Alexander Hooks September 20, 2018 Reply

    Did you paint the knee pads or buy them orange? Would i need two swords or would one be fine?

  11. Isaiah Neumann October 30, 2018 Reply

    Won a contest with the mask and some of my own choice pieces.

  12. Did you paint that motor cross chest peice

  13. Don’t know if ther was directed at me but yes

  14. Ya ken did you paint the motor cross armor

  15. Yes the armour had to be painted, it changes a few times over the years, it’s a bit of a pain to tape everything off to paint to.
    My newest evolution I have pulled the chest pads off and bought an air soft vest to go over top.

  16. That’s just amazing have fun with that

  17. it is cool

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