
Mr. Meeseeks

In Rick and Morty, Mr. Meeseeks are creatures who live to serve, but not for too long. Their optimistic, cheery personalities eventually turn sour and even violent the longer they live without fulfilling their purpose. For this costume, you can show off your paper mache skills while crafting the head. A basic tutorial can be found here.


In Inside Out, Sadness’ (voiced by Phyllis Smith) blue appearance reflects how she feels inside, especially when Joy, Anger, Disgust, and Fear ostracize her for turning Riley’s happy memories into sad ones. Eventually they all learn how important Sadness is to Riley’s emotional well-being and accept her for who she is.


Kurt Wagner, better known as Nightcrawler, is a mutant who has the ability to teleport and crawl on walls. He’s the son of Mystique and the demonic warlord Azazel. He spent his early years with the circus but was later recruited by the X-men.


Smurfette was originally made by Gargamel in order to distract the Smurfs and capture them. Gargamel’s plan backfired though because the Smurfs’ kindness made her want to be a Smurf. She originally had short black hair but after Papa Smurf turned her into a real Smurf, she emerged with long blonde locks.

Blue Man Group

Blue Man Group is a trio of mute humanoids who turn everyday items into music and art. Through avant-garde performances, they’ll have you questioning cultural norms and the role of technology in modern society. Just watch out for the paint.

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