1893 Loki from Loki (Season 2) Costume
Loki is the lead character from the popular Marvel series, and is played by Tom Hiddleston. In one episode called 1893 in the new season 2, Loki and Mobius are searching for He Who Remains and find themselves in 1893 at Chicago’s Fair. Their costumes change when entering this time period to match the setting.
Loki wears a deep gray three-piece suit along with a white collared shirt, and a green cravat tie, that still ties in his iconic green color palette. He also wears a bowler hat, a small gold tie pin, and a gold chain on his vest. Make a popcorn holder out of rolled brown paper and a piece of tape, and maybe even yellow torn and crumpled pieces of paper to glue in as the popcorn, to add as a prop. This would make such a fun and unique take on the Mobius and Loki duo costume.
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