Rex from Space Cadet

Rex from Space Cadet

Space Cadet is a new Prime film starring Emma Roberts as Rex. The film follows the story of Rex, a party girl from Florida who mistakingly gets put into the NASA space program, but stands out with her unique qualities.

To dress like Rex in her casual outfit, wear a pearl-embellished denim jacket, embellished shorts, metallic pink boots, and a customized hat and tee. To create the shirt, take a white tee and cut strips up to a point you’d like the shirt cropped. Then, using fabric or acrylic paints, paint on similar designs with lettering on both the blank hat and shirt. For the blue coveralls, wear your hair up and wear a blue NASA/ space jumpsuit costume with accessories like a charm necklace. She also often has tinsel in her hair.

Rex from Space Cadet Costume 12345678

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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