Claire from The Bear

Claire from The Bear

Claire is a character from the TV drama series, The Bear, and is played by Molly Gordon. Claire is the love interest of Carmen, the protagonist of the show. It follows his story as he tries to restore a Chicago restaurant after the death of his brother.

Claire’s style can be recreated for everyday life or even a duo or group costume with other characters from The Bear. One of her casual looks features an oversized denim jacket and a loose-fitting white henley shirt. Another and more recognizable dressy one is at the opening of the restaurant. For this, wear a black mini a-line dress, black printed tights, and a black floral lace cardigan.

Claire from The Bear Costume 12345

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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