Alejandro from Total Drama World Tour Costume
Alejandro is a character in Cartoon Network's spin-off of Total Drama Island called Total Drama World Tour. He is one of the newcomers and one of the finalists. He is a member of Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot. Despite his charm and good looks, Alejandro is secretly dark and twisted. He knows how to manipulate and hypnotize other campers. He has no problem playing dirty, and that what makes him get to the finale. Heather ends up using her own wicked tactics to beat him, and he ends up getting trampled and thrown into lava. His body must be put in the Drama Machine robot to survive, and once his injuries healed, he became a camper for the all-star season as a member of the Villainous Vultures.
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I wanna be this character so badly but my mom won’t let me 😭