Ben Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy DIY Costume Guide

Ben Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy

Ben Hargreeves is a character from the Darkhorse comic series, The Umbrella Academy. In the Netflix adaptation of the same name, he is portrayed by Justin H. Min. Known as Number Six or "The Horror," Ben was able to unleash monsters from other dimensions to attack his enemies. We only see Ben as a ghost through Klaus' clairvoyance because he died prior to the events of season one. He acts as the voice of reason for Klaus, coaxing him away from drugs and alcohol. In the second season, Ben plays a much larger role. He learns how to possess others, which saves Vanya from causing another apocalypse. He has a heart to heart moment with her before going towards the light and crossing over for good. When the Hargreeves siblings jump forward in time, they end up back in the academy, and see a portrait of Ben over the mantel. The cliffhanger is Ben being alive in this timeline and not recognizing his siblings in the new Sparrow Academy.

Ben Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy Costume 1234

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Cosplayer, creative writer, cookie connoisseur. Pronouns: she/they.

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