Billy Lee from Bad Times at The El Royale Costume
William "Billy" Lee is the main antagonist in the movie Bad Times at the El Royale. He is played by Chris Hemsworth and largely inspired by real-life cult leader Charles Manson.
The movie is set in the 1970s and this sets the tone for Lee's costume. He has long feathered hair and a goatee that is an iconic part of his costume. Billy Lee is also know for wearing an open chambray shirt with nothing underneath. If you're not comfortable with this look you can wear a skin-tone t-shirt beneath. Or, if you're feeling cheeky, you can buy a shirt printed with abs like Hemsworth's and wear that beneath the overshirt.
A long chain necklace, dark jeans, a brown leather belt with a sheathed knife, and flip flops round out the look. If you can talk people into just about anything you'll be fully in character. A little scary... but fully in character!
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