Taki Tachibana from Your Name
In the movie Your Name (Kimi no Na wa), Taki Tachibana (voiced by Ryunosuke Kamiki and Michael Sinterniklaas) is a high school student in Tokyo who suddenly begins switching bodies with a teenage girl named Mitsuha Miyamizu who lives in a rural town called Itomori. Taki is hardworking and kind, though he can sometimes be a little too blunt. He works at an Italian restaurant while in high school, and dreams of becoming an architect. As a student, Taki wears grey slacks, a short sleeved button down, and a dark navy blazer. He also wears a bracelet that Mitsuha gave to him. During the epilogue, Taki is seen searching for a job as an architect wearing a dark suit, blue tie, and a brown messenger bag.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is the iconic mascot of the Walt Disney Company. His girlfriend is Minnie Mouse, with whom they own a pet dog named Pluto. His first debut was in Steamboat Willie in 1930. Since then, Mickey has appeared in over 130 films, most notably Brave Little Tailor and Fantasia. Several television shows center around this iconic character, such as The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the new Mickey Mouse Cartoons. With video games such as Kingdom Hearts and Epic Mickey comic books and strips, even hidden in the theme park, you’ll find Mickey everywhere. He is easily one of the most recognizable cartoon characters, with a whole march dedicated to his name: “Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!”
Donald Duck
Donald Duck is a classic Disney character. He is Mickey Mouse’s best friend. In contrast to Mickey’s level-headedness, Donald has an explosive temper. His mischievous and overconfident personality can land him into trouble. As soon as something goes wrong, he’s quacking up a storm, face and beak bright red. A common catchphrase of his is “Aw, phooey!” His girlfriend, Daisy Duck, often scolds him for his temper tantrums. He is also an uncle, and his nephews include Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Fun fact: His middle name is Fauntelroy! Like the other classic characters, Donald appears in The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Mickey Mouse Cartoons, as well as the parks and merchandising.
Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians
Nearly every child knows you should be afraid of the dark. Adults just forget. But in Rise of the Guardians, Pitch Black makes sure we remember. Voiced by Jude Law, DreamWorks’ Pitch Black is equal parts nightmare, bogeyman, and the shadow under your bed that keeps your feet tucked up tight under your blanket. He is every bit as terrifying as he in the original books by William Joyce. And it has made him one of DreamWorks’ most enduring villains.
There are two ways to go about a Pitch cosplay. The first is to forgo any body paint and let the clothing speak for itself. The other is to use grey body paint to mimic his otherworldly look. Either option works!
Regardless of which option you choose, there are a few things you will need. A black wig and black boots to start. If you want to go with the canon interpretation of Pitch you will also need a long black robe. If you want a more fandom-based version you’ll need black pants, a black shirt, and a long flowing black sweater.
(This costume also converts easily into a Sandman costume if you’re going to a multi-day con!)
Quackerjack from Darkwing Duck
Quackerjack is a recurring villain in both the Darkwing Duck animated series and comic books. He used to be a toymaker, but he was put out of business by the Whiffle Boy video game market. His hatred and jealousy spiraled him into madness, leading him down the path of evil. As Quackerjack, he dons a jester’s appearance and robs banks to fund his toy-making, as well as supply his arsenal of deadly toys. He has since become one of Negaduck’s Fearsome Five alongside Megavolt. His catchphrase is “It’s PLAYTIME!” You can assemble your own Jester’s hat and outfit, but Smiffy’s provides a good base. However it doesn’t come with tights or shoes, so we included mustard yellow tights and red jester shoes to better match the character.
Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn is a character in the anime Soul Eater. He is Death’s current meister partner after being turned into a Death Scythe by his ex-wife. He is a teacher at Death Weapon Meister Academy as well as the Maka’s father. While Spirit can be youthfully careless and flirtatious, he can be serious in certain situations. For instance, he is a passionate parent, who longs for the love and acceptance of his daughter. Place a strip of black gaffer tape on the olive shirt under the middle of the tie, and use the black fabric marker to draw a cross on each collar.
Jim Morales from Code Lyoko
Jim Morales (voiced by David Gasman) is the physical education instructor at Kadic Academy in the cartoon series Code Lyoko. Jimbo is boisterous and clumsy, as well as committed to his students’ success and making sure they follow the rules of the Academy. In seasons 1-3, Jim wore a red and black button down with matching pants, but switched to a more comfortable sweater and tan track pants in season 4. Whichever version you choose to emulate, make sure to include a whistle or stop watch to truly embody his gym teacher persona, and don’t forget his signature headband and face bandage.
Asta from Black Clover
Asta (voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara and Dallas Reid) is one of the main protagonists of the Black Clover anime series. Asta is an orphan raised by Orsi Orfai alongside his foster brother Yuno. While Yuno excels in the magic arts, Asta exhibits no talent for magic despite a strong desire to become the Magic Emperor. To make up for his lack of skill, Asta trains his body relentlessly, resulting in a very muscular physique for his size. Asta’s costume consists of blue knickers, a white tunic, and a blue cropped jacket, as well as a headband and, later, a matching cloak.
Jeremy Belpois from Code Lyoko
Jeremy Belpois (voiced by Sharon Mann) is a main character in the French cartoon Code Lyoko. A young genius, Jeremy is a student at Kadic Academy and the unofficial founder of the Lyoko Warriors, which also includes Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia, William Dunbar, Ulrich Stern, and Yumi Ishiyama. Jeremy favors turtleneck sweaters and cropped pants, making his costume an easy and comfortable one to recreate.
Lion from Steven Universe
Lion is a recurring character in the Cartoon Network show, Steven Universe, whom once belonged to Rose Quartz. When Lion died, Rose was able to resurrect him through her healing powers, resulting in his pink fur and magical abilities. Such magical abilities include a pocket dimension, portal creation, and a loud, powerful roar. Eventually Steven finds Lion and befriends him too, making him an ally of the Crystal Gems. Use the pale pink face paint all over your face, and then burgundy face paint to draw the heart shaped nose. While we couldn’t find a pink lion’s mane, it only requires a bit of DIY. For the mane, get some hot glue and adhere the craft fur around the circumference of the cat ear headband. Attach a tuft of that fur to the end of the cat tail and you’re all set!