Owen from Total Drama Island
Owen is a contestant in the first iteration of Cartoon Network’s Total Drama Island. He’s been a team member for the Screaming Gophers, Killer Grips, and Team Chris is Really Really Hot. He wins his original season, though the remainder of times are only cameos. Huggable and upbeat, Owen is an optimistic competitor who is generally well-liked among the other campers. He’s in a relationship with Izzy.
Harold from Total Drama Island
Harold is a character in the first iteration of Cartoon Network’s Total Drama Island. He was a contestant for the Killer Bass, Screaming Gaffers, and Team Action. Although his physical skills are lacking, Harold makes up for it with resourcefulness. He’s known for sabotaging the vote to eliminate Courtney to get back at Duncan for bullying him.
Penny from Bolt
Penny (Miley Cyrus) might have only played Bolt’s partner on TV but the love between the two is very real. And though Penny faces danger Bolt doesn’t expect, their bond saves them both in the end.
Penny has a few looks in the movie but one of her most notable is the layered look featuring black and white striped tights. They pair well with black shorts and shoes, a black long sleeve shirt, and a red t-shirt. These are all pieces that can transition into other cosplays as well as play a role in your day to day closet, making Penny a great closet cosplay. The one piece that is specific to the cosplay is the auburn wig. It matches a few other costumes, however, and if you’d prefer to style your own hair, you can leave it off altogether.
Stacy Stickler from Stickin’ Around
Stacy (Ashley Taylor) may seem a little bossy. But what is a girl to do when she knows what she wants and how to get things done? She really does love her friends and family and means well. But boy do they sometimes get on her nerves!
Stacy’s look makes for a great closet cosplay. An orange tank top, orange skirt, and yellow socks cuffed above pink shoes is an easy look using pieces that can transition to other cosplays or work with your daily wardrobe. The most intensive part of the cosplay is her hair which you can replicate with your own hair and some pomade if you are so inclined.
Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat
Hank J. Wimbleton is the main fighter of the Madness Combat series. He has killed over 600 people in the series, and has died in nearly every episode, including three times by Tricky. Hank is excellent with hand-to-hand combat, and takes no greater pleasure than brutal combat.
Geoff from Total Drama Island
Geoff (voiced by Dan Petronijevic) is a camper on team Killer Bass in the Cartoon Network show Total Drama Island. Along with fellow teammates Courtney, Duncan, Izzy, Sadie, Tyler, and the other members of Killer Bass, Geoff attempts to outsmart and outplay the other inhabitants of Total Drama Island in search of a $100,000 prize. Geoff wears a cowboy hat and blue shorts along with a bright pink button down shirt, left open. If you aren’t feeling confident enough to walk around with your torso showing, you could always snag a six-pack t-shirt to layer underneath.
Trent from Total Drama Island
Trent (voiced by Scott McCord) is a member of team Screaming Gophers in the Cartoon Network show Total Drama Island. Some of Trent’s teammates include Gwen, Cody, Heather, Lindsay, and Owen. Trent is a relatively laidback contestant and a straight-A student who becomes close with Gwen early on in the competition. Trent’s costume includes black jeans, green sneakers, and a camouflage long sleeved shirt. To make the green t-shirt he layers on top, don’t be afraid to get a little messy and tap into your childhood artistry by painting your hand with black fabric paint and pressing the design onto your shirt. Just be sure to allow plenty of time for it dry before you have to wear it!
Sheen Estevez
Sheen Estevez is a character in the Nickelodeon show, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. He is the main character in his spin-off, Planet Sheen. His best friends are Jimmy Neutron and Carl Wheezer. Hyperactive and loud, Sheen is obsessed with the action hero, Ultra-Lord. Use the gel to spike your own hair or a dark brown wig.
Carl Wheezer
Carl Wheezer is a character in the Nickelodeon show, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Cautious and insecure, he has asthma and many allergies. His best friends are Jimmy Neutron and Sheen Estevez. Whereas Jimmy loves adventure, Carl fears just about everything. But the one thing Carl loves are llamas. The suspenders in this guide are optional, since they’re only seen in the movie and not the actual show.
Jimmy Neutron
Jimmy Neutron (short for James Isaac Neutron) is the protagonist of the Nickelodeon show, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. His two best friends are Carl Wheezer and Sheen Estevez, and he has a robot dog named Goddard. As the title suggests, Jimmy is impressively intelligent with an IQ of 210. When he’s in a crisis, he urges his brain by saying “Think, think, think!” and when he figures out a solution, he exclaims “Brain Blast!” While Jimmy is kind and caring, his knowledge can make him an arrogant know-it-all. However, he enjoys being the one to save the day. To him, there’s nothing whipping up a new invention or science experiment can’t fix.