
Go through a major transformation just like James Franco in the movie Spring Breakers. His role of Florida rapper, Alien, gets involved with the four bikini clad leading ladies while dealing with his usual business of drug trade and crime.

Spring Breakers

If you want to get your hands dirty Spring Breakers style, opt for a pink unicorn ski mask and a skimpy bikini. These girls may appear harmless on the outside, but they are willing to do what it takes to get what they want.

Dr. Nefario

Dr. Nefario is Gru’s gadget man. He’s the evil mastermind behind inventions such as the Freeze Ray and Big Blaster Cannon but only a true genius could come up with the Fart Gun and Boogie Bots.

Edith in Despicable Me

Edith is at first skeptical of Gru’s intentions but warms up to him after he makes her pancakes in the shape of dead bodies. Though Edith is a tomboy, she’s never seen without her pink hat on.

Joel from The Last of Us

In The Last of Us, Joel is a violent and ruthless smuggler hired to escort 14-year-old Ellie out of the safe quarantine zone and across the danger-filled country. The things we do for a paycheck, eh?

Ellie from The Last of Us

In the Playstation 3 game The Last of Us, a 20-year pandemic has decimated civilization, leaving infected humans and survivors to kill each other for food and weapons. 14-year-old Ellie is prepared to escape the quarantine zone and cross the post-apocalyptic landscape – after all, she’s brought an empty backpack!

Altair from Assassin’s Creed

In Assassin’s Creed, Desmond Miles uses a machine called the Animus to control the actions of his genetic ancestor Altaïr ibn-La’Ahad. Altaïr must keep a low cover while assassinating ten Knights Templar, all while the Third Crusade rages in the background.

Invader Zim

When the Almighty Tallest sent Invader Zim to Earth they did so to keep him from interrupting Operation Impending Doom II. However, Zim took his mission to Earth seriously. He enrolled himself in elementary school and tried to appear as humanlike as possible by wearing a pompadour wig and contact lenses. Yet somehow only one person questioned Zim’s green skin.


If there is one thing to say of Dib, it’s that he has determination. He’s obsessed with the paranormal and self-conscious about the size of his head. Wearing a trench coat and a hairstyle that likely requires a lot of pomade, Dib is extremely unpopular in school. But who has time for popularity when there is an alien to catch?

Miss Blankenship

Miss Blankenship was briefly Don Draper’s secretary during season 4 of Mad Men. She wasn’t exactly the youngest or hottest in the office, but we all enjoyed her outspokenness and quirky spirit. Don’t be fooled by her cataract goggles or her homemade afghan – she was even known to have had an escapade with young Roger Sterling back in the day.

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