Diane Foxington from The Bad Guys Costume

Diane Foxington from The Bad Guys

Diane Foxington (voiced by Zazie Beetz) is a supporting character in the animated feature film The Bad Guys.  Governor Foxington is a reformed thief, formerly known as the Crimson Paw, who pursued a life in politics to help make up for her past transgressions.  Though initially skeptical of the redemption of Mr. Wolf and his associates including Mr. Snake, she eventually becomes one of their staunchest supporters, as well as Mr. Wolf's love interest.  Diane sports several outfits throughout the course of the film, but two of her best include the grey suit she wears as governor and the black bodysuit with a hood she dons as the Crimson Paw. The latter will work as a fully black ensemble, though you can add some of the yellow striping details with tape or paint if you prefer.  Whichever look you choose to recreate, you can layer a fox mask, tail, and/or gloves under your outfit to get as close to the original as possible.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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