Hester from The School for Good and Evil Costume

Hester from The School for Good and Evil

Hester is the daughter of a distinguished witch. Perhaps one of the most distinguished witches, specifically the one who lived in a gingerbread house. After losing her mother and arriving at the School for Evil, however, Hester begins to build her own legacy and set herself up as a distinguished student in her own right.

In the first book of the series Hester is describes as " a tall girl with greasy black hair streaked red, black lipstick, a ring in her nose, and a terrifying tattoo of a buck-horned, red-skulled demon around her neck". She is also said to have black eyes and dress in the black robes the students wear in the School for Evil.

The nose ring is easily replicated with a fake that pinches your nose and black lipstick is a must for the costume. Her black eyes, however, should only be replicated using contacts from a certified opthometrist as the low-cost versions off the internet carry serious risks to your eyes. To replicate her hair you'll want to get a wig and some clip-in red extensions. Pomade can replicate a greasy look or you can leave that part out.

The robes aren't described in great detail so a fairly plain witch's costume is suggested. They range from witches robes to the kind of dark dress and collar that someone with Hester's style might prefer.

Finally you'll need body paint to recreate her tattoo. Then you're ready to go off and take your own classes at the School for Evil.

Hester from The School for Good and Evil Costume 12345678910

About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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