Jason Voorhees from Freddy vs. Jason Costume
Jason Voorhees in Freddy vs. Jason (played by Ken Kirzinger) is one of the two titular characters. Just don't expect a lot of lines out of him. He's as silent as Freddy Krueger is chatty, after all. And once Freddy brings him back from the dead and sets him loose on Springwood. Of course the two can't work together for long before they're at war with one another leaving the original victims caught in the middle.
The important thing to know about Jason's look is that you're going to have to rip, stain, and distress anything he wears. This is why a more generic work jacket is listed above instead of what was used in production which is very likely a Carhartt. Under the jacket Jason wears a brown button up, torn at the collar, and a black t-shirt. He also wears black pants and boots.
Jason has been dead a while which is a hard look to recreate without some serious prosthetics. You can recreate the look, though, with black gloves and a black hood mask as well as black SFX paint to streak your neck with and use behind the eye holes of his trademark mask.
After that all you need are his hockey mask and his machete and you're just as terrifying as Jason himself!
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His jumper was actually grey not brown and his undershirt was navy blue