Layla from Buffalo ’66 Costume Guide
It takes a heck of a person to pull off dance clothes when meeting their fake husband’s parents for the first time. But Christina Ricci as Layla in Buffalo ’66 makes it seem effortless, even with several pounds of blue eye shadow on. It's no surprise that Billy Brown is so excited to tell everyone that, “There’s a girl who loves me, and she’s very pretty.” Agreed, Billy.
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what about the shoes?
you couldnt be layla without themmmm!!
Oh my goodness, you are totally right! I completely blanked on the tap shoes! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh.
Thanks for pointing that out. Don’t worry Janie, we got you! Shoes have been added.
kinda on/off topic, was going to do this with my ex a while ago, (me Billy Brown) and now I’m just obsessed with the look. I’m having trouble finding the clothing, I have the boots (easiest part) but that’s about it, if anyone knows where to look it would be much help, if not no worries, Thanks!
Definitely on topic. We just posted a Billy Brown costume here. Leave a comment there if you find better items for the costume!