Mr. Frog from Smiling Friends DIY Costume Guide

Mr. Frog from Smiling Friends

"Hello, I'm Mr. Frog." Mr. Frog is a recurring character in the Adult Swim cartoon Smiling Friends, now streaming on HBO Max. Once the star of his own television show, he got fired due to eating a reporter. Pim and Charlie try to help him clean up his reputation, such as appearing on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, but it isn't much of a success. Later on, Mr. Frog runs for president against the incumbent President Jimble. Mr. Frog usually begins and ends his sentences with "hello." Use the black fabric marker to draw the nostrils and the dark green fabric marker to draw the mouth.

Mr. Frog from Smiling Friends Costume 123456

About the Author


Cosplayer, creative writer, cookie connoisseur. Pronouns: she/they.

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