Mr. Snake from The Bad Guys DIY Costume Guide

Mr. Snake from The Bad Guys

Mr. Snake (voiced by Marc Maron) is a supporting character in the DreamWorks animated feature The Bad Guys.  Mr. Snake is Mr. Wolf's best friend and a member of his gang.  Mr. Snake is a safe cracker by trade, making him an integral part of many of Mr. Wolf's schemes.  To recreate Mr. Snake's look, you'll need to be a little flexible in your interpretation, as it's obviously pretty difficult to actually look like a reptile without limbs.  But by layering a hibiscus-printed shirt and a bucket hat over a yellow bodysuit, you can get close.  The felt mask adds a nice touch, too.  While the one pictured here is green and part of a larger set, you can also opt to go the DIY route and follow a tutorial for creating your own.  Just make sure to adjust your materials to better suit Mr. Snake's color scheme if that's important to you.

Mr. Snake from The Bad Guys Costume 12345

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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