Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus DIY Costume Guide
Ms. Valerie Frizzle (voiced by Lily Tomlin) is the eccentric teacher at the heart of the PBS animated series The Magic School Bus. Ms. Frizzle is loved by her students and known to often take them on incredible field trips with the help of the titular bus. Ms. Frizzle has frizzle ginger hair she wears in a messy bun and often dons boldly batterned dresses with matching shoes and accessories that tie in with her lesson plan. To create your costume, focus on bold funky prints that such as space or dinosaurs and pair them with thematic earrings and shoes. If you can't find a collared dress, remember that you can layer a simpler dress over a blouse to achieve a similar look and that you can add pins or other accessories to simple shoes to make them look more appropriate. Complete your look with a wig and Liz Ard purse so you can take your trusty chameleon sidekick with you on your next field trip!
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